The Destruction of Mind

The Destruction of Mind


Daniel J Reurink

Metemphysics ©

2023 – 09 – 08

In the realm of personal exploration and self-discovery, there exist experiences that defy conventional understanding, challenging the boundaries of the self and the nature of reality itself. The narratives that follow delve into a series of profound encounters, each marked by a deepening sense of self-awareness and a transcendent departure from the ordinary.

These accounts offer glimpses into the inner workings of the human psyche, where the self, often represented as the ever-present “I,” undergoes a transformative journey. Through the exploration of chakras, portals, and the interplay of light and shadow, these experiences unveil a world where the ego dissolves, and consciousness takes on a new perspective.

Journeys through dimensions, encounters with enigmatic codes, and reflections on the nature of witnessing itself all weave together to create a tapestry of enlightenment. As these stories unfold, they invite us to contemplate the true nature of perception, the boundaries of ego, and the profound mysteries that lie just beyond our everyday awareness.

These ideas and experiences are not just personal anecdotes; they are a testament to the boundless potential of human consciousness and the depths to which one can journey within. As we embark on this exploration, we invite you to consider the implications of these narratives, for they are not just stories but gateways to a deeper understanding of the self and the universe.

“The absolute destruction of the “I” is our immediate focus.”

The “I” operates ceaselessly, serving as the manager, CEO, and primary stream of thought in our reality. It represents the friction of power that delineates distinctions such as Majority/Minority, Left/Right, and Forward/Backward, as it directs attention wherever it goes. Nevertheless, it remains perpetually observable.

The “I” or the mind resembles an unwavering powerhouse, always in motion, driven by an unseen force, attuned to the looming specter of its own demise. Why do racing horses exhibit their maximum speed on a racetrack? It’s only when they hear the sound of impending fate – “the Gun” – that they surge forward.

This is the juncture at which the “I” loses its significance.

Yin and Yang. The equilibrium of everything. By delving into the finer points, you can navigate through it. Allowing the tree to perceive the shadow it casts, you can commence your journey from the vantage point of that shadow.

These intricacies mark the dissolution of the “I” and the uncharted territories where supernaturals seldom venture, operating only part-time.

These are some of the experiences and visions I have had.

  1. This profound experience initially occurred during the alignment of all chakras. It revealed a core essence, residing deep within the individual, the residual sanctuary where the will materializes. It allowed the “wall/friction” of reality to crumble, collapsing upon the construct of the ego (“I”) that upheld its elaborate narratives. This complete dissolution, the sensation of annihilation, and the opportunity for redemption rendered the ego obsolete. It was a state of pure surrender to oblivion. In that moment, there was no longing for companionship, no yearning for anything external – only an absolute and subjective disintegration. The presence of the ego seemed nothing more than a bothersome intrusion. The only way to transcend time was to be centered, where all apparent personas and sub-personas faded into insignificance.
  1. The second experience built upon the foundation of the first. It emerged from contemplating what lies beyond the furthest boundaries of existence, beckoning the duality of Yin and Yang once more.

Taking a courageous plunge deep into the maw of the dragon, venturing into uncharted realms that had never before unfurled, I encountered numerous lights, disturbances, demons, angels, and deities, all chanting names from every conceivable direction. Until, at a precise juncture, all seven chakras aligned, harmonizing the balance of Yin and Yang. This created a unity of seven into one. In perfect equilibrium, I passed through the gates of the chakras, leaving the “I” behind, and the world dissolved into a new luminance.

This journey transported me to another dimension, a “time-space” nestled between thought and the realms of body and reason. It was the realm of the Emerald Siddhi, the domain of the White Dragons. My past life resurfaced as Imhotep, wherein I had positioned various pyramids upon the Earth, utilizing a subjective code to manipulate the gravitational field. These octahedron pyramids were strategically placed as grid points across the planet, and it was at this point that the portal flashed into existence.

Initiated in Egypt through a series of long-forgotten lifetimes, the concept of “I” began to assert itself once more. With this much power and the ensuing fragmentation, the number 3 multiplied into 10,000. The realm behind me resonated with the clear sound of trumpets vibrating through the energy. Yet, when I invoked the “I,” it became evident that the very notion of “mind” was a paradox, leaving one to wonder how such could ever be unlocked within.

3. The subsequent experience was rooted in the essence of peace. As I sensed Michael’s presence receding, I summoned the shield and sword. There was nothing left for “me” or “I” – only the ordinary functioning of the mind. In this state, I came to understand that harmony is rooted in the balance between shadows and light, the equilibrium space encompassing everything. This realization led me to the gates of heaven, where distinctions like before and after ceased to matter.

Sword, shield, and armor glistened in the face of menacing Hydras, Dragons, and other tormenting beings. They pursued this “I” that had once felt “righteous” in its judgments of right and wrong. Yet, such distinctions were inconsequential now; the mission was to safeguard this essence from destruction. Destruction, creation, or rebirth all hinged on the focus of attention.

By attending to the present element, letting go, and surrendering to the moment, the will relinquished itself, and in its place, a flow emerged wherein comparisons bloomed like flowers, photosynthesizing oxygen for all life. This was no mere vision; it was a tangible, authentic experience.

The gates swung open, radiating light that bathed the skin and permeated every fiber of my being. Life entered and danced within this vast ocean of existence, leaving behind peace and love. The conflicts of heaven and earth found resolution at my core.

4. This represents the most intense and profoundly serendipitous of unfortunate events.

Upon reentering the portal, I encountered a complex system of codes. Sensing that something was awry, I embarked on a quest to locate the deletion program. Eventually, I found it and executed the command. Consequently, the “I” ceased to exist, leaving behind only an ethereal “oceanic pearl” suspended in space. Despite the mind’s attempts to convey, search, and navigate, I chose to allow it to perish. It then dawned upon me that there existed a plethora of programs and codes that could be accessed.

Delving deeper into the mainframe, I found myself enveloped in darkness, surrounded by an abyss of unrecognizable data and codes. Yet, amidst this obscurity, I stumbled upon a code that corroborated the existence of the codings of reality. Suddenly, there was a jolt – an image of insertion, as if someone’s hands were at play. When I re-entered the dream realm, it became evident that my presence was acknowledged, and the copy of “myself” that supposedly “didn’t exist” was reintegrated into the fabric of reality. Another abrupt shift, and I was thrust back into holographic existence. It was an intense experience.

Following this encounter, an arduous 1.5 hours ensued during which the ego and “I” launched an onslaught against me, inundating me with madness and attempting to negotiate. However, the “I” rejected these overtures and let them pass by. Nothing desired their return. It took several hours to regain the state of nothingness.

5. In the final vision, dreams unfolded, presenting various scenarios ranging from strategies to remain unnoticed to how to navigate events and synchronize with the world. In these dreams, there was no “I” actively orchestrating these situations into existence. It became evident that I was merely a witness to the unfolding tapestry of reality.

These experiences signify just the initial steps of a journey down a profound path.

In conclusion, the narratives presented here transcend the ordinary and beckon us to explore the extraordinary dimensions of human consciousness. These accounts reveal that beneath the surface of our everyday lives lies a vast, uncharted realm where the boundaries of self, reality, and perception blur.

From the dissolution of the ego amidst the balancing of chakras to the exploration of enigmatic codes within the mind’s mainframe, these experiences challenge our understanding of who we are and what our place is in the grand tapestry of existence. They underscore the idea that the “I,” which so often dominates our awareness, can be but a temporary construct in the grand scheme of consciousness.

As we journey through portals, witness the dance of light and shadow, and grapple with the profound notion of witnessing itself, we are reminded that the path of self-discovery is a never-ending journey. These experiences are signposts along the way, offering us insights into the boundless potential of our inner world.

In embracing these ideas and experiences, we are invited to ponder the mysteries of existence, the nature of perception, and the vastness of human consciousness. They serve as a testament to our capacity for growth, transformation, and transcendence.

Ultimately, these narratives are not just individual stories; they are windows into the limitless possibilities of the human mind and spirit. They remind us that the journey within is as profound and awe-inspiring as any voyage into the cosmos. So, as we conclude this exploration, we leave you with the invitation to continue your own journey, for these experiences are but the beginning of an ever-unfolding path towards self-discovery and enlightenment.

About Up2quark

I rest with silence and awareness; believing in hope for a brighter future, I feel compelled to write any words that excite me in the spontaneous moments in life! So this is my work; hope you enjoy my musings.
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